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Paula Brand

Annapolis, MD
Career Counselor & Coach

Starting at: $195/hr

1 Posts

I am an organized, dependable and trustworthy career professional who inspires and empowers others to move forward in their career journey by providing a structured path with reliable resources, useful information and genuine feedback. My background includes career counseling, job search coaching, human resources and training facilitation. My passion is career management: helping people gain career clarity and land jobs. In 2014, I was honored to receive the Outstanding Career Professional Award from the Maryland Career Development Association and the Professional Contributions Award from the Middle Atlantic Career Counseling Association. I have an expertise with LinkedIn and I contribute to the Career Development and Adult Planning Network international newsletter with my column, the LinkedInsider.

Education/Certifications: Master’s Degree in Applied Psychology from the University of Baltimore, a Bachelor’s Degree from the University of North Carolina at Greensboro and three industry certifications including: Global Career Development Facilitator (GCDF), Certified Professional Résumé Writer (CPRW) and Job and Career Transition Coach (JCTC).

Types Of Clients: Mid-career professionals who are committed to their career management.

Favorite Part About My Job: Helping women move forward in their career journey.

Steadfast Do's and Don'ts: Do be respectful. Do thank people. Do keep a growth mindset & stay open to unexpected opportunities. Don’t expect others to make your career happen. Don’t go to an interview unprepared. Don’t be rude to others.

Most important qualities of a good leader: Leads by example. Listens to people and communicates effectively to all types of audiences. Develops and motivates others.

My Advice for women starting their careers: Start to network now. Know yourself: take time to assess your strengths, values, personality and interests. Find a mentor (preferably in the industry you want to enter).

Advice I wish I'd had (or had followed): I learned early on in my career that nothing is secure and that you must know yourself well in order to find a suitable career path.

Quote I live By: “Dig your well before you’re thirsty” – Ancient Chinese proverb and title of a book by Harvey McKay

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