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Wendy Nolin

Austin, TX
Business Coach & Possibilitarian

Starting at: $325/hr

5 Posts

Business and executive career coach focused on liberating professionals from the status quo. I help professionals transform their business, transition out of the status quo, and reinvent themselves. By helping professionals identify the rut they're stuck in, they're able to achieve clarity of vision for the future. With clarity, a natural direction emerges, a direction that invigorates energy and focused action. Taking focused action gets you out of the rut.

Education/Certifications: I attended the school of life, earning degrees in street smarts and common sense.

Types Of Clients: I work with managers, executives, and business owners. I particularly enjoy working with creatives who need help selling themselves, and sales or business development producers who aren't making quotas.

Favorite Part About My Job: Helping clients achieve massive professional breakthroughs so they can succeed at work and win at life.

Steadfast Do's and Don'ts: DO Send hand-written thank you cards after interviews, 1:1 networking meetings, and when someone sends you a referral; DO speak up and ask questions if you are unclear or don’t understand something; DO spend as much time as you can around people who challenge you. DON'T Say you’re sorry for things that aren't your doing - you give away your power when you do; DON'T volunteer to plan and organize all the office parties - wait for the really juicy projects; DON'T hang around people who are trying to keep you small. They'll hold you back because of their own fear of being great

Most important qualities of a good leader: Good leaders are good listeners. They ask questions without judgement and see other's perspectives.

My Advice for women starting their careers: First, your single biggest obstacle is fear. Learn about the neuroscience of fear and you'll learn how to overcome it. Second, remember that you are the average of the 5 people you spend the most time with, so choose with discernment.

Advice I wish I'd had (or had followed): To trust myself and step into and own my greatness earlier in life.

Quote I live By: "Your playing small does not serve the world. Who are you not to be GREAT?" -Nelson Mandela

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