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Julie Kratz

Indianapolis, IN
Career Coach

Starting at: $200/hr

2 Posts

Julie has dedicated her career to helping teams grow. She is a Certified Master Coach and Kelley MBA with experience in operations, marketing, and strategy in the manufacturing, financial services, and agriculture industries. Throughout her twelve years in corporate America, Julie has been recognized for excellence in facilitation, strategic thinking, and leadership. Julie is the author of the book, Pivot Point: How to Build a Winning Career Game Plan. Having experienced her own pivot point mid-career, Julie started her own coaching business, Help Your Team Grow. Help Your Team Grow exists to develop leaders and coach high potential women in career transition through building winning career game plans. By nature, she is collaborative, and driven by measurable impact with her clients.

Education/Certifications: Certified Master Coach and Kelley MBA.

Favorite Part About My Job: Seeing an impact in those I coach. There is no greater thrill than being a part of a leader’s journey towards self-fulfillment and overall personal and professional happiness.

Steadfast Do's and Don'ts: Do: Promote self-discovery, Motivate women to positively change, Believe we all have the power to pursue work with genuine purpose; Don’ts: Buy into the notion that we are victims, Promote dependence on me as a coach, Believe that negative self-talk is helpful to career success.

Most important qualities of a good leader: Self-awareness, vulnerability, ability to ask insightful questions and not have to know all the answers, storyteller, inspiration.

My Advice for women starting their careers: We all have the power to do the work we want and are good at. We just have to reflect on what we truly want and align our purpose and goals to get there. I get no greater joy than seeing women leaders sustain positive changes in their daily lives that align with their purpose and passions.

Advice I wish I'd had (or had followed): I wish I had listened to the people I trusted more. Feedback is a gift.

Quote I live By: Assume positive intent. I truly believe people are good people and that with an honest, open dialogue, we can learn more about ourselves and how we can help others live a life of purpose.

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