9 Reasons to Be Thankful You’re a Small Business Owner
Small business owners have their share of rough days. Sometimes, it feels as if every employee, decision, expense and idea is riding on your shoulders. You always wanted to start your own small business, but you never dreamed it would be this hard or this exhausting.
Your Passion Is Your Business
What a blessing it is to wake up in the morning knowing that you get to work all day at something you love! You aren’t just showing up to collect a paycheck. You followed your dream and designed a business that’s all you.
You Drive the Economy
In America, the SBA reports, “28 million small businesses…account for 54% of all U.S. sales.” Those small businesses “provide 55% of all jobs and 66% of all net new jobs since the 1970s.” By operating your small business, you boost the economy and provide jobs in your community.
You Like Your Boss
At least, we hope you like your boss. If you hadn’t started your own small business, you might have a hideous boss who treats you badly and makes you cringe every time he steps into your office. Look in the mirror and say thank you to your boss today; she understands you and she always looks out for your best interest.
You Have a Flexible Schedule
You work when you choose, within reason. Obviously, you are likely to be the first person to arrive at the office each day, as well as the last one to leave each night. However, when your daughter’s cheer team makes it to Nationals and has to perform on a weekday, you can take the day off to be there to watch.
You Make the Rules
You no longer have to work for an unscrupulous miser who couldn’t care less about anything except the bottom line. You bring your values and work ethic with you and you set the tone for how your company with conduct their business. You have the power to create an in-house daycare, or work a four day work week. You decide which clients are the right fit for your company and you hire the right employees to help you build your dream. If you want to bring your dog to the office, you can do that too.
You Control Your Company’s Destiny
You decide when your business is the right size. No law says you have to employ hundreds of workers or expand your business into multiple cities. If your 10-person staff is the perfect size for you, keep doing what you’re doing. If a new contract means you can expand your small business to a staff of 20, there are plenty of options to move you toward your goal.
Financial Assistance is Available to You
When you decide to grow your business and need money to expand, there are more options than ever, especially for women-owned businesses. Loans, grants, microloans and angel investors make it possible for you to keep taking your business to new heights.
Tech Tools to Make Your Job Easier
Can you imagine if you still had to use handwritten ledgers for your bookkeeping? The technology available to you and your business save time and money. Laptop computers, tablets, and smartphones enable you to conduct business anywhere in the world. Email keeps you in touch with customers and employees. The internet makes it possible for customers in Boston, or Bali, to purchase from your business in Spokane.
Your Workspace Reflects Your Style
If setting up your business in a converted barn with your office in the old hayloft makes you happy, then climb that ladder to your desk. Your workspace doesn’t have to be the stuffy office painted in shades of industrial yellow or green that your father had. You can convert a barn or warehouse space, divide it into cubicles or leave wide open spaces that encourage collaboration. Your business, your choice.
On the days when it’s difficult to feel thankful that you started your own business, be thankful for the opportunities that have yet to present themselves. Be grateful that today might be the best day your business has ever had. As poet Maya Angelou said, “This is a wonderful day. I’ve never seen this one before.”