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Alison Krawczyk

Albany, NY
Senior Public Relations Strategist, Overit

2 Posts

As a senior public relations strategist at Overit, Alison oversees the public relations team within the strategy department. Utilizing her vast experience working with clients in the B2C and B2B sectors, she plans and executes PR campaigns for newly-launching and established companies that effectively deliver brand messaging and announcements to target audiences. She develops approaches for media relations and event planning that integrate with other marketing tactics implemented by the Overit team, such as online advertising, content marketing and social media, further expanding a client's investment. Before joining Overit, Alison worked at Shadow PR, a Manhattan-based agency specializing in fashion and hospitality. In addition, she worked in the PR department of Ralph Lauren and at Regan Communications, a Boston and NYC-based PR agency. Pairing an extensive and varied client history with an advertising and marketing communications degree from the Fashion Institute of Technology, NYC, Alison’s ready to learn and chat about any industry, from fashion trends and gourmet cooking to cybersecurity and web analytics.

Alison Krawczyk's Latest Posts


Health & Wellness

Getting Active at Work

7 Tips for Getting Out of Your Chair and Exercising at... READ

0 Comment / February 27, 2017


Handling a Sudden Meeting

4 Ways to Confidently Rally & Get Ready for a Client... READ

0 Comment / August 9, 2016

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