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SharpHeels Contributor

Amy Kelly Lauer

San Francisco, CA

3 Posts

Amy is the SVP/General Manager for the Sephora at Kohl's business. Amy's superpower is cultivating collaborative teams through clear aligned goals, individual and group development, and a continuous-improvement-learning approach. Amy has high-level business acumen, is an expansive-thinker, and focuses on profitable growth grounded in exceeding customer expectations. Amy as leader/manager has consistently high team engagement scores, across environments - from S&P 500 with seasoned leaders and teams of 150+ persons to start-ups with agile teams of 5-20. Amy as advisor & coach is sought by individual contributors, managers, founders, investment companies, and conferences hosting 1500+ attendees. Amy and her husband keep busy raising 4 children aged 16-20, and volunteering in the local community. Favorite things to do include live and streamed theater, pilates, hiking, and baking sour dough bread.

Amy Kelly Lauer's Latest Posts



Starting a New Job Strong

Tips for Succeeding During the First 90 Days in a New Job at a New Company   Congratulations,... READ

0 Comment / October 26, 2017


Getting Out of a Rut

5 Steps to Help You Get Unstuck and Start Moving... READ

0 Comment / June 1, 2017


Your Next Career Move

8 Steps to Help You Pivot into a New Professional... READ

0 Comment / April 4, 2017

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