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Jill Fahlgren

Chicago, IL
Career Coach

4 Posts

Life is too short to be unhappy in your job or career! I know. I was there myself. That’s why I'm committed to helping professionals be happy, enjoy their work, and feel good about what they do. My goal is to eliminate career dissatisfaction. I love what I do and I want to help you do the same! As a certified Executive and Career Coach, my focus is helping you make the most out of your career. E.g., find a new job, switch careers, or reach new heights or handle changes in your current job.

Education/Certifications: CHIC from Hudson Institute of Coaching, MBA from Kellogg School of Management, BA from Northwestern University

Types Of Clients: Educated professionals who want to innovate or take action in their careers / managers, leaders, executives, return to the workforce, career changers, 2nd (or 3rd) career seekers / age 30s+

Favorite Part About My Job: Connecting with amazing people! I’m fortunate to be able to help them explore what’s possible and actually make it happen.

Steadfast Do's and Don'ts: Do's: (Golden rule) Treat others as you want to be treated. Be generous with gratitude and compliments. Laugh loudly and often. Don't: Don't take life for granted - it's too short

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    Get Out of Your Own Way

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