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Kari Granger

Denver, CO
Executive & Leadership Coach

Starting at: $1000/month

1 Posts

An executive coach, a leadership development educator, and a performance consultant. I'm also a Fellow for the United States Air Force Academy’s Center for Character and Leadership Development. As a former Air Force officer, I have worked with numerous branches of the U.S. armed forces and governmental agencies to achieve breakthrough mission performance, from leading logistical operations for hurricane evacuation missions and strategic planning initiatives for Defense Base Realignment and Closure (BRAC) activities, to solving airlift logistical challenges and leading U.S. troops under enemy fire during combat duty in Iraq. In addition to my military work, I have served organizations worldwide in fields such as healthcare, government and higher education supporting leaders in accomplishing their goals.

Kari Granger's Latest Posts



The Five-A Plan for Success

How Awareness, Acceptance, Allowing, Aligning,... READ

0 Comment / October 12, 2016

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