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Mary Beth Ferrante

Los Angeles, CA
Career Coach for Leadership Development

Starting at: $250/hr

3 Posts

Mary Beth Ferrante is a career coach who works with young professionals transitioning in their career, particularly women balancing careers and motherhood and helps them discover what inspires and drives them towards their best career fit. She empowers them to take actionable steps to land their dream job and make work, work for them!

Education/Certifications: BBA, University of San Diego

Types Of Clients: Early to Mid-career | Career Changers | Flexible / Remote employees | Working Moms

Favorite Part About My Job: Inspiring professionals to take ownership of their career and supporting them to find work.

Steadfast Do's and Don'ts: Do: Follow your intuition. If something doesn't feel right, there is most likely something very real behind that feeling. Do: Believe in yourself. Your dreams will become reality when they become greater than your fears and you keep moving forward towards your goals. Do: Continue to learn. Whether it's a formal master's program, continuing education or spending time reading about your industry, investing in yourself and your knowledge is always worth it. Don't: Forget the power of conversation! Pick up the phone, walk into someone's office and make a connection. Often times you can accomplish so much more in a quick 5 minute conversation then going back and forth via text or email all day. Don't expect someone to tap you the shoulder to offer you a promotion. Speak up, ask for opportunities and share your accomplishments! Don't Lie: Lying always ends badly (especially when interviewing!) so be honest and own up to your mistakes and failures and share and celebrate your accomplishments.

Most important qualities of a good leader: Honest, effective communicator, empathetic, willing to listen, inspirational and innovative.

My Advice for women starting their careers: You are your own career advocate. Say yes often and be open to new opportunities, but remember you own the direction you take, so don't allow others to dictate your future. Be honest, be positive, be open, but above all be authentic.

Advice I wish I'd had (or had followed): My favorite quote from Sheryl Sandberg's Lean In is "Done is better than perfect." Perfection paralysis is real and it's more important to keep moving forward.

Quote I live By: Success always comes when preparation meets opportunity. – Henry Hartman

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