Home / Articles posted byRatika Hansen

SharpHeels Contributor

Ratika Hansen

Portland, OR
Market Manager

3 Posts

Marketing development specialist in the tech industry, mommy to twin boys, and wife. Long-standing student of personal growth, devoting the last 15 years to learning from a variety of masters with a life purpose to shine my Light in the world, in the form of acceptance, laughter, inspiration, and love. Passionate about inspiring others to live passionate lives, bringing their LIGHT to their relationships, careers, and communities.

Ratika Hansen's Latest Posts


Health & Wellness

Destressing at the Office

7 Tips to Restore Zen in Your Workplace   The... READ

0 Comment / May 18, 2017


Planning Out Your Year

8 Steps to Make an Impact this Year and Accomplish... READ

0 Comment / March 29, 2017


Work-Life Balance Redefined

Re-Examining the Concept and Myths of "Work-Life... READ

0 Comment / June 7, 2016

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