Four Friends Every Working Woman Needs in Her Life
Every career woman has a network she relies on to keep her world going ‘round. So, like every other working woman, I have my go-to glam girl who keeps my roots covered; my neighborhood dry cleaner who makes sure my favorite blazers stay sharp and wrinkle-free; and that neighbor I can count on to dog-sit when I’m away.
While those people all make my life easier, I couldn’t conquer my daily battles without another group of individuals who keep this career woman centered and successful. That group is my professional posse: a close group of friends on whom I rely. Every professional woman needs a version of these females as her allies in business and life.
The Mentor
We all know the benefits of having a mentor — i.e. a person who has been where we want to go, and conquered situations we’ve not yet faced. But my suggestion is to not just connect with a mentor, but form a mentor/mentee relationship with a friend, who is in your inner circle, but can also act as an experienced and trusted adviser.
Obviously, not every mentor fits into this category. There are people who serve as mentors in business whom you may never know on a personal level. What I’m suggesting, though, is someone who is a close friend and can also act as a mentor.
My mentor friend (let’s call her M), knows me, the real me, all of my weaknesses and strengths, from my tendency to doubt myself to my lack of organizational skills (as evident by my messy car and closet).
She is the mentor who won’t cut corners, doesn’t sugar-coat, but will confront me when necessary, coach me through the bad times and propel me even farther than I thought I could ever go.
As part of my professional posse, my mentor has been there for me and offered advice and guidance through some tough professional challenges. While my other mentors offered suggestions and strategies for dealing with a difficult boss, M forced me to look deeper; she knew my family and financial situations, she understood my faith level, and she met me exactly where I was at that point in my life. She distilled her advice through the filter of my personality and circumstances and gave crystal-clear counsel that helped me not only deal with the challenges of my boss, but win him over.
Posse Personality: In your life, you’ll recognize this friend as the one in the group who is often the voice of reason, who can give you the cold, hard truth with grace. She gives advice, but also empowers you to make your own choices.
The Rising Star
Imagine having a conversation with your younger self. You’d likely have some great advice, but you might have also gone just a little further in life if you had known then what you know now, right? That’s the role of the second member of your Professional Posse – The Rising Star.
Star is a woman who is typically a little younger, and may have once been a mentee, but is now a close friend. She shows an extraordinary amount of potential, and while she may have her share of mishaps and mayhem, she is a professional woman on the rise.
While you may be the mentor, big sister, adviser and advocate for Star, your relationship is not one-sided. As much as you give, you also receive: Star is creative and energetic, and while her youthful approach to life and career is something you’re helping her to sharpen, it’s also something that energizes you and from which you can glean a lot. While she has a million ideas, and wants to execute them all at once – which likely drives you crazy! – you still know you can always count on her to brainstorm and produce a winning result. These ladies are also always on the cutting edge of new technology, they’re innovators, and they are my go-to girls when I need to produce the next big thing.
I have had a number of Stars in my professional posse over the years. A few of them are former employees, who are now leaders in our industry in their own right. They remind me where I came from, but also keep me from staying where I am. They press me forward with their energy and freshness, and often prod me until I join the newest social platform or get plugged-in to the next up-and-coming business trend.
Posse Personality: Your star will challenge you, keep you young and fresh, and make you a better woman. She will also make you proud, and give you faith in the next generation of women in your field.
The Edifier
You’ve had a terrible day at the office — everything that could go wrong, did. You’re not yet in the mood for advice or problem-solving, but you do need encouragement. That’s when you rely on the next member of your professional posse, The Edifier.
Edy, as I like to call her, may work in the office next door, or she may be on speed dial. But, no matter where she is physically, she’s always right there when you need her. This friend has a listening ear and a calm presence. She’s like a crisis hotline, getting you through the first few hours of whatever train wreck you’ve ended up in.
Edy lets you vent about the raise you didn’t get; the successful project your nemesis stole credit for; or the date who stood you up. Edy builds you up until you’re ready to take on the challenges you must eventually face.
I have a tendency to keep things bottled up. The Edy in my life urges me to open up about the things that bother me, and she also frequently suggests spiritual, mental and physical outlets for stress and life balance. She’s the yoga partner, bible study sister, or gym buddy who insists I look after my mind, body and soul.
Posse Personality: Your Edy will help you refocus on your priorities without strategizing or analyzing, but by simply listening and reminding you of what’s important.
The Free Spirit
Rounding out the Professional Posse is the friend who never apologizes for who she is, and is always ready for the next adventure. She’s The Free Spirit. Let’s call her Joy, because that’s exactly what she exudes everywhere she goes.
While the ladies in your professional posse inspire you to be a better woman, to reach for your goals and grow into the woman you want to be, Joy reminds you that you’re actually a pretty amazing woman just as you are.
The Joy in my life never lets me change the essence of who I am to fit into someone else’s mold. When many of my friends were getting married, starting families, and trying to set me up with any and every available man within a twenty-mile radius, Joy reminded me that it’s okay to embrace my single life, and encouraged me to live it to the fullest, until I wanted something different for myself.
When I was feeling pressure to change my style to match some of the women in my conservative workplace, Joy encouraged me to embrace my personal style, which may be trendy, but is always work-appropriate. She reminded me that my image often makes me stand out in a good way. Since then, I’ve connected with many people who had started a conversation with me about a cute handbag or a nice necklace that then led to legitimate and fruitful networking opportunities.
Posse Personality: In your Professional Posse, Joy is the one who keeps you laughing and smiling, makes your work-life and personal life just a little more fun, and reminds you to be authentically you.
Do you see yourself in any of these categories? Do you recognize the roles your close friends play in your own Professional Posse? Tell us about it in the comment section and share how your friends have mentored, inspired, edified or encouraged you in your journey as a professional woman.