6 Tips to Keep Your Look Professional During Rainy Days
Since Spring has arrived, it is becoming more and more difficult to get a good hair day in without the rain or humidity getting in the way. Random rainstorms, muggy weather, and many other less than perfect conditions come into play during the Spring time. We all know it’s impossible to keep your look together when you are heading to work in a downpour, so we made it easier for you to keep your composure during the bad weather by coming up with a few basic tips.
1. Wear Rain Boots– Rain boots are a must-have when walking to the office in a down pour. While they are definitely not appropriate for the office, it’s very simple to bring those spare pumps in a bag with you to work and make a quick change before walking inside of the office. These days rain boots are looking more and more fashionable with bright colors and fun prints to bring a little bit of joy to a gloomy day.
2. Wear ankle length pants– If you are like so many women around the world, destroying the bottom of your pants due to walking around in the rain is one of your biggest pet peeves. Try to keep your ankles exposed and pant length short when going out into the rain so you don’t have to walk around with soaked pants.
3. Invest in a Raincoat– By far one of the greatest purchases you’ll ever make is a light weight raincoat. Simple jackets tend to soak in the rain and a wet navy jacket could rub off on your white blouse, so instead take the time to buy a basic tan raincoat you can quickly grab to run outside.
4. Opt for the Up-Do– Too many times a woman has spent more than 30 minutes straightening or blowdrying her hair only for it to turn into frizzy mess on the way to work. Instead of starting your day off frustrated due to your ruined do, plan to wear your hair up in a simple ponytail or low-standing bun to keep your hair contained and remain professional.
5. Get a Bubble Umbrella– While it is always advised to carry a spare umbrella with you in your car or your tote, invest in a bubble umbrella to provide full coverage of your work ensemble. A simple umbrella can be good for a light drizzle but a bubble umbrella is sure you keep your hair, shoulders and top half of your body extremely dry despite harsh winds.
6. Makeup Setting Spray– Instead of letting the rain and humidity slowly wash your makeup away, take an extra second to spray on some makeup setting spray before you head to work. Although it was originally made to keep your makeup on for a night out, it will do just as good of a job protecting your mascara and foundation from running down your face while braving the rain.