Between 50-hour workweeks, gym goals, social and love lives time is a rare and precious commodity these days. Like all businesswomen, Brittany Deal was no stranger to this busy lifestyle, and though she always wanted to pick up new hobbies she never seemed to have enough time to learn about her would-be passion projects. But instead of giving up, Deal created Savvy Girl.
A new book line, Savvy Girl is the busy women’s perfect How-To Guide. “A Savvy Girl is someone who continually strives to improve herself, but is savvy enough to know that life is about progress not perfection,” explains the author and entrepreneur. Because most women don’t have the time to read a 400 page how-to book on all the topics they’re interested in, Deal’s collection cuts through the excesses and boils down the information into 100 need-to-know pages. “We realize that you don’t want to be an expert on every topic, you just want to be savvy.”
In the spirit of enjoyable learning, Deal’s first release is a guide to wine. “I wanted to start with a topic that was fun. And fun to research!” says Deal. As any Malbec lover knows, wine has an elaborate culture of it’s own, full of detail and nuance. While many drinkers want to sound educated “most don’t want to be a wine expert,” explains Deal.
After a quick half -day read, complete with colorful photos, Savvy Girl: A Guide To Wine promises a better understanding of how to taste and talk about wine. It will also teach readers how to “ask a sommelier for a wine recommendation, and even throw out words like ‘terroir’ and ‘tannin” like WineSpeak was your first language.”
But Deal wasn’t always so savvy about her profession. Before she created the Savvy Girl lifestyle, Deal career was in banking. “I worked for a great company with incredible people, but I couldn’t emotionally connect with the work I was doing,” she summarizers. So she took some time off, hopped a plane and got some perspective on life. “I came up with the idea while reading a book in the middle of Bolivian Amazon. And when I found out that the name hadn’t been taken yet I knew it was my destiny.”

Brittany Deal, Savvy Girl founder
Deal considers herself a life-long learner. As someone who thrives on exploring new places and connecting with different people, it’s no wonder that her true passion –as she calls it – is helping other women “get savvy and get back to their fabulous lives.”
Becoming a sommelier is just the start to what Deal expects to be long line. She hopes to have 15 guides out within the next two years, with a long-term goal of 100 books. Look for Savvy Girl’s guides to Healthy Eating, Etiquette and of course, Sex, to hit shelves throughout the rest of 2014. Written in her “girlfriend-to-girlfriend” style, each of these books will feel more like having a conversation rather than reading an instruction manual.
“I ended up here because I decided to take action,” says Deal. The writer encourages other hopeful entrepreneurs to follow their dreams as well. “Don’t give up! If it were easy everybody would do it. One of my favorite quotes is: If you do it right the first time, once is enough. I hope that when I reach the end of my life I’m able to say the same!”
TAGS: entertainment entrepreneurs Savvy Girls Wine women writers