Four Characteristics of a Confident and Independent Woman
You know her when you see her. You might catch a periodic glimpse of her in the mirror when you’re feeling most confident. Maybe you are lucky enough to BE her.
She wears her independence–a glorious mane of red, white and blue signaling to the universe her stature as not Miss or Mrs. America but darned close. What makes a woman independent? What gives a woman the confidence to be independent?
Independence is a pool filled by many fountains. It can mean different things to different women, however, when you see HER, that independent woman that exudes confidence, you can bet that she possesses many of these qualities.
An Independent Woman…
…Doesn’t Unfairly Compare Herself with Others. She looks in the mirror; loves and respects what she sees. Rather than dwell on the crow’s feet developing around her eyes, she sees brightly expressive baby blues that dance when she laughs. When her presentation does not go as planned, she does not compare herself to a coworker who executed a flawless presentation. Instead, she accepts that she has room for improvement and learns from her coworker how to improve for the next opportunity.
…Is Happy with Herself. Being happy with onesself does not mean that a person will stagnate. Being happy with her, as she is at this moment, gives a woman the freedom to say, “I am great today. I will become even better tomorrow.” On that foundation, great things are built. Choosing to be happy today—with whatever she has in this moment—frees a woman to rely no longer on a wish list for happiness. Gone are the chants of “I will be happy when… I have a boyfriend, a husband, a new job, a house, a car, more friends, etc.” She is her own cheerleader. This is not to say that an independent woman doesn’t relish the occasional “attagirl!” from her besties in the same way she would never turn down a fluffy cupcake on a PMS day, however, she doesn’t need the praise or the following to motivate her.
…Takes Care of Herself. An independent woman meets most of her own emotional and physical needs. She cares for herself emotionally by knowing when she has had enough for one day and needs to go home to relax or sleep. She eats a diet that infuses her body with the proper nutrients to work optimally. She exercises to invigorate her body and her mind. Part of taking care of her is recognizing when she needs professional assistance to do so, whether that be a personal trainer, a physician, a therapist or a masseuse. Independence does not mean going it completely alone.
…Manages her own Finances. An independent woman can file her own tax return, save and invest on her own, and pay her own bills. Because she takes care of herself, she places priority on meeting her basic living expenses first of food, clothing and shelter. First, and foremost, the independent woman is responsible. Although she might enjoy great clothing, extravagant vacations and trips to the theater, she is unwilling to sacrifice her financial future by overspending, thus leaving nothing to save or invest. She tracks her finances carefully and does not bury her bank statements or bills in a pile marked, “TDWL – To deal with later!” An independent woman knows how much money she will need in retirement and begins saving early. If she has gained her financial independence a bit later, she knows that all is not lost and creates a strategy to make up for lost time. Bottom line, financially independent woman create their own opportunities and control their own destiny.
Independence and confidence are two sides of the same coin. Taking the steps to become more self-sufficient and self-aware leads to confidence that a woman can, and should, rely on herself more. Independence feels good.
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